Leder det strategiske satningsområdet "Fremtidens helse og velferdstjenester". Senterleder for Senter for Helse og Teknologi og områdeekspert for Simulering og kompetanseutvikling.
Studieretningsansvarlig for studieretningen Sammensatte helsetilstander, del av Master i Klinisk Helsearbeid (2018-2022) og emneansvarlig for MSAM800 - Personorientert arbeid for personermed sammensatte helsetilstander (2018-dd).
Ansvarlig for kommunikasjonsundervisning og -trening av studenter i bachelorutdanningen i sykepleie og radiografi, samt tverrfaglig videreutdanning i smerte.
Veileder studenter på alle nivå av utdanningsløpet.
Hovedveileder for stipendiat Veronica Rusaanes på prosjektet "FlexiSykepleie - Bærekraftig sykepleieutdanning: et fleksibelt og desentraalisert studietilbud i distriktene" (2022-2024).
Hovedveileder for stipendiat Marte-Marie Wallander Karlsen på prosjektet "Conscious and alert critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation and their interaction with healthcare personnel" (disputas jan 2021)
Medveileder for stipendiat Øsp Egilsdottir på prosjektet "Developing clinical competence and learning clinical reasoning skills in nursing education supported by digital learning resources."(disputas jan 2024)
Medveielder for stipendiat Kirsten Røland Byermoen på prosjektet " Implementing use of physical assessment skills in clinical rotation to enhance clinical competence and patient safety in nursing education"(disputas okt 2023)
Medveileder for stipendiat Cathrine Matihsen på prosjektet "Exploring and evaluating a pedagogical programme in medical and surgical placements for nursing students: A realist evaluation study"
Medveileder for stipendiat Lene Tandle Lyngstad på prosjektet "Foreldre-sykepleier kommunikasjon og interaksjon i eneroms Nyfødt intensiv avdelinger i Norge"
Associate Editor PEC Innovation
- Kommunikasjon med og uten bruk av teknologi
- Utdanningsforskning
- Personorientert omsorg
- Simulering, inkludert digital simulering
- Samhandling på tvers av nivåer
- Positive og negative emosjoner
- Helseteknologi
2023 Forskningslederkurs, USN
2021 Developing Doctoral Supervision, USN
2015 University pedagogics, University College of Oslo (15 ECST)
2008-2009 PhD exchange student, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
2008-2011 PhD, University of Oslo
2005 – 2007 Master of Nursing Science, University of Oslo
2001 -2003 Bachelor of Nursing, Flinders University of South Australia
Person #1405 - Lena Heyn - Cristin
Karlsen MMW, Happ MB, Finset A, Heggdal K & Heyn, LG (2020) Patient involvement in micro-decisions in intensive care. Patient Education and Counseling (InPress). Doi:
Mathisen C, Karlsen MMW & Heyn LG (2020) Å simulere de krevende samtalene med pårørende: En evaluering av kommunikasjonstrening med skuespiller. InspirA – Journal of Anesthesia and Critical Care Nursin (InPress)
Heyn, L, Olsen, U, Phelps, JM, Gray, R & Raaheim, A (2019) Taksonomitabellen – en oversettelse av The Taxonomy Table til norsk, Nordisk sygeplejeforskning 9 (4), 272-82
Heyn, Lena Günterberg (red) (2018). Klinisk kommunikasjon i sykepleie. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk
Karlsen, M. M. W., Ølnes, M. A., & Heyn, L. G. (2018). Communication with patients in intensive care units: a scoping review. Nursing in Critical Care.
Karlsen, M.M.W., Heggdal, K., Finset, A. & Heyn, L.G. (2018) Attention-seeking actions by patients on mechanical ventilation in intensive care units: A phenomenological-hermeneutical study. Journal of Clinical Nursing 28(1-2), 66-79.
Heyn L, Ellington L, Eide H (2017) An exploration of how positive emotions are expressed by older people and nurse assistants in home helath care visits. Patient Educ Couns InPress
Oelschlagel L, Heyn L (2016) Ferdighetstrening i kommunikasjon – til nytte for fremtidens sykepleiere? NSF Kongress (poster presentation)
Finnbakk E, Olaussen C, Heyn, L (2016) Glemmer det enkleste - hånden.
Heyn L (2016). A response to “Responding to challenging interactions with families: A training module for inpatient oncology nurses”. Families, Systems, & Health, 34(3), 287-8.
Heyn L, Finnbakk E, Amundsen K, Løfall BL, Råberg SM (2016) Sykehjem - en attraktiv faglig arena.
Potsma-Nilsenova M, Holt E, Heyn L, Groeningen K, Finset A (2016) A case study of vocal features associated with galvanic skin response to stressors in a clinical interaction. Patient Educ Couns InPress doi:10.1016/j.pec.2016.03.006
Heyn L, Finnbakk E, Amundsen K, Jerm, S (2016) Å kommunisere med personen bak diagnosen.
Heyn, L. (2015) Kommunikasjon – menneskets grunnleggende behov for å forstå og bli forstått. I Holter, IM og Grov, EK (red) Grunnleggende kunnskap i klinisk sykepleie - Sykepleieboken 1. Oslo: Cappelen Damm
Heyn L, Holt, E, Ruland CM, Finset A (2014). Talking about emotions in follow-up cancer consultations. International Conference on Communication in Health Care, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 28–October 1, 2014 (Poster presentation)
Finset A, Heyn L, Ruland C. (2013) Patterns in clinicians' responses to patient emotion in cancer care. Patient Educ Couns. 93(1):80-5. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2013.04.023. Epub 2013 Jul 11. PubMed PMID: 23850184.
Heyn L, Finset A, Ruland CM (2013) Talking about feelings and worries in cancer consultations: the effects of an interactive tailored symptom assessment on source, explicitness, and timing of emotional cues and concerns. Cancer Nurs. 36(2):E20-30. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0b013e318254af66. PubMed PMID: 23416693.
Heyn L, Finset A, Eide H, Ruland CM. (2013) Effects of an interactive tailored patient assessment on patient-clinician communication in cancer care. Psychooncology. 22(1):89-96. doi: 10.1002/pon.2064. Epub 2011 Sep 15. PubMed PMID: 21919122.
Heyn L, Ruland CM, Finset A (2011). Effects of an interactive tailored patient assessment tool on eliciting and responding to cancer patients' cues and concerns in clinical consultations with physicians and nurses. Patient Educ Couns. 2011 May 16. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2011.04.024.
Heyn L, Holt E, Ruland CM, Finset A (2011): ‘Critical moments in consultations between cancer patients and oncologists’. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Chicago, Illinois (Paper presentation).
Heyn L, Ruland CM, Finset A (2010). Cues and Concerns Before and After Implementation of a Computerized Tool to Support Communication with Cancer Patients (CHOICE). International Conference on Communication in Health Care, Verona, Italy, September 5-8, 2010 (Paper presentation).
Heyn L, Ruland CM, Holt E, Finset A (2009). Electro dermal Response to the Application of a Computerized Communication Tool in Oncological Consultations. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Miami, Florida, October 3-6, 2009 (Paper presentation).
Heyn L, Finset A, Ruland CM (2008). Improving Patient-Provider Communication in Cancer Care. International Conference on Communication in Health Care, Oslo, Norway, September 5–8, 2008 (Poster presentation)
Ruland CM, Heyn L, Jeneson F, Finset A (2007). Impact of IT-assisted Patient-provider Communication on Emotional Affect and Patients' Experiences with Consultations. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Charleston, South Carolina October 9–12, 2007 (Paper presentation).